![]() | 韩莹 博士 硕导 副教授 Email: Harriethan@yeah.net |
2019.07-2023.07 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 讲师
2023.07- 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 副教授
[1] H. X. Jiang, Y. Han*, L. L. Jiang, Y. G. Xue*, W. B. Liu, Visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of HCBD using BP/TiO2/CN: Enhanced mechanisms, ecological risks, and management insights. Separation and Purification Technology, 357(2025) 130166.
[2] H. Dai, Y. Han*, X. L. Rong, H. X. Jiang, L. L. Jiang, Y. G. Xue*, W. B. Liu, Efficacy of BPNS/TiO2 in catalyzing the visible-light-driven degradation of BPA. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 64(2024) 105707.
[3] X. L. Rong, Y. Han*, H. Dai, H.X. Jiang, Y. G. Xue*, Enhancing the efficient degradation of BPS using the BPNS-CdS composite catalyst under visible light. Environmental Research, 251(2024) 118690.
[4] Y. Han, C. C. Chen*, W. B. Liu*, Y. C. He, F. Yin, Q. Chen, Health risks and sources of PCDD/Fs and PCBs residue in cultured crabs. Scientific Reports, 14(2024) 24633.
[5] Y. Han*, H. Dai, X. L. Rong, H.X. Jiang, Y. G. Xue*, Research Progress of Methods for Degradation of Bisphenol A. Molecules, 28(2023) 8028.
[6] Y. Han*, Y. X. Liu, X. L. Rong, M. X. Wang*, Y. G. Xue, H. Dai, H.X. Jiang, Exposure, Distribution, and Ecological Risk of Four New Bisphenol Analogs in the Typical Lake Region of Taihu Lake. Exposure and Health, (2023).
[7] Y. Han*, X. L. Rong, M. X. Wang, Y. G. Xue*, H. Dai, Y. X. Liu, Progress in the preparation, application, and recycling of black phosphorus. Chemosphere, 311(2023) 137161.
[8] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, R. R. Lei, M. X. Wang, Y. G. Xue, Burden levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls in typical edible meat animals. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 125(2023) 742-749.
[9] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, R. R. Lei, M. X. Wang, Y. G. Xue, Exposure levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in human blood and the transplacental transfer characteristics in cord blood of newborns near the industrialized area. Chemosphere, 303(2022) 134995.
[10] Y. Han*, Y. M. Fei, M. X. Wang*, Y. G. Xue, Y. X. Liu, Effects of BPZ and BPC on Oxidative Stress of Zebrafish under Different pH Conditions. Molecules, 27(2022) 1568.
[11] Y. Han*, Y. X. Liu, M. X. Wang*, Y. G. Xue, Effects of BPZ, BPC, BPF, and BPS Exposure on Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio): Accumulation, Oxidative Stress, and Gene Expression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(2022) 15784.
[12] Y. Han*, Y. M. Fei, M. X. Wang*, Y. G. Xue, H. Chen, Y. X. Liu, Study on the Joint Toxicity of BPZ, BPS, BPC and BPF to Zebrafish. Molecules, 26(2021) 4180.
[13] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, W. Zhu, K. F. Rao, K. Xiao, L. R. Gao, G. J. Su, G. R. Liu, Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in Chinese mitten crabs. Chemosphere, 196(2018) 522-530.
[14] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, H. F. Li, R. R. Lei, G. R. Liu, L. R. Gao, G. J. Su, Distribution of Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCNs) in the Whole Blood of Typical Meat Animals. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 72(2018) 208-212.
[15] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, H. F. Li, R. R. Lei, L. R. Gao, G. J. Su, G. R. Liu, Gas-particle partitioning of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in flue gases from municipal solid waste incinerators. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17(2017) 2847-2857.
[16] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, H. C. B. Hansen, X. B. Chen, X. Liao, H. F. Li, M. J. Wang, N. Yan, Influence of long-range atmospheric transportation (LRAT) on mono-to octa-chlorinated PCDD/Fs levels and distributions in soil around Qinghai Lake, China. Chemosphere, 156 (2016)143-149.
[17] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, H. C. B. Hansen, X. B. Chen, X. Liao, H.F. Li, M. J. Wang, N. Yan, Concentrations of and health risks posed by polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans around industrial sites in Hebei Province, China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 23 (2016)18742-18752.
[18] Y. Han, H. T. Xie, W. B. Liu*, H. F. Li, M. J. Wang, X. B. Chen, X. Liao, N.Yan, Assessment of pollution of potentially harmful elements in soils surrounding a municipal solid waste incinerator, China. Frontiers of Environental Science & Engineering, 10 (2016).
[19] Y. Han, W. B. Liu*, Formation Pathways of Mono- to Octa-Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Main Organochemical Industries. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015) 10945-10950.
[20] 韩莹, 刘文彬*,邢颖, 高丽荣, 苏贵金, 我国大闸蟹中二噁英类持久性有机污染物的暴露水平研究, 食品安全质量检测学报, 9 (2018) 4302-4307.
[21] 韩莹, 费雨萌,杜尔登, 王明新*, 薛银刚,刘宇轩, 固相萃取-超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定斑马鱼 暴露体系 4 种双酚类环境激素的研究, 环境科学研究, 32(2)(2022) 499-507.
1. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc引进人才项目,主持,2019-2021.
2. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc本科教育教学研究课题,主持,2021-2023.
3. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc优质研究生课程建设项目,主持,2024-2025.
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2020-2022.
5. 2020年度江苏省省级高层次创新创业人才引进计划专项资金,主持,2020-2022.