



   发布时间: 2021-09-05    访问次数: 6306

高尔豪  副教授 硕士生导师  

太阳成集团tyc7111cc 太阳成集团tyc7111cc,江苏常州 213164


Email: gaoerhao@cczu.edu.cn



豪,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2020年于浙江大学获得化学工程与技术专业博士学位主要从事大气污染控制与资源化的基础和应用研究,具体包括工业烟气/机动车尾气中氮氧化物挥发性有机物催化降解、二氧化碳捕集利用等,在大气污染物催化净化机制与应用技术原理方面取得了重要创新成果。迄今主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目1项,江苏省教育厅与常州市科技局项目2项。参与了国家科技部重点研发项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。在Chemical Engineering JournalEnvironmental Science & TechnologySeparation and Purification Technology等国际学术期刊发表论文三十余篇及多篇ESI高被引论文。担任多个国内外期刊审稿人。获得江苏省双创博士(2021)、常州市龙城英才计划领军型创新人才(2022)九三学社常州市委先进个人(2023)等称号,获得太阳成集团tyc7111cc青年教师技艺大赛特等奖(2023)太阳成集团tyc7111cc优秀班主任(2024)等奖项担任江苏省科技副总(2024)、常州市高层次人才双岗互聘(2024)《工业安全与环保》期刊青年编委等社会兼职。


2020.10-至今   太阳成集团tyc7111cc   太阳成集团tyc7111cc    讲师、副教授






  • Xiaoying Zhou, Shiyu Fang, Tiantian Zhang, Zuliang Wu, Jing Li, Wei Wang, Jiali Zhu, Junliang Wu , Daiqi Ye, Rui Han, Qingling Liu, Shuiliang Yao*Erhao Gao*, Dayu Wu*, Unveiling the mechanistic synergy in Mn-doped NiO catalysts with atomic-burry structure: Enhanced CO oxidation via Ni-OH and Mn bifunctionality. Separation and Purification Technology, 354 (2025) 129330. 

  • Erhao Gao*, Jiacheng Xu, Fangyi Liu, Zhenzhen Wu, Jiali Zhu, Wei Wang, Jing Li, Shuiliang Yao, Zuliang Wu*. Highly efficient mineralization of phenol through catalytic ozonation using urchin-like CuxCe1Oy-BTC catalysts derived from metal-organic frameworks. Journal of Environmental Science, 154 (2025) 575-589.

  • Xiaoying Zhou, Shiyu Fang, Zihao Hu, Zuliang Wu, Jing Li, Wei Wang, Jiali Zhu, Junliang Wu, Shuiliang Yao*, Erhao Gao*. Enhanced low-temperature methane oxidation over Pd supported Mn-doped NiO catalyst. Molecular Catalysis, 569 (2024) 114611.

  • Li Han, Wenjing Feng, Qi Jin, Jiacheng Xu, Zuliang Wu, Jing Li, Jiali Zhu, Wei Wang, Erhao Gao*, Shuiliang Yao*, Nan Xu, Daiqi Ye. Catalytic hydrolysis of HCN on the coupled sites of Lewis acid and surface hydroxyl of Fe-BEA catalyst leading to the presence of HCHO positively affects NH3-SCR activity. Chemical Engineering Journal 500 (2024) 156620.

  • Wei Wang, Qirui Wang, Zude Shen, Xinyu Meng, Erhao Gao*, Xu Jiang, Jiatong Miao, Shuiliang Yao*, Zuliang Wu, Jing Li, Jiali Zhu, Yunlei Zhong, Qing Guo*. Metal-modified CeO2 nanobelts for catalytic oxidation of ethyl acetate: Roles of surface lattice oxygen and hydrolysis behaviors, Separation and Purification Technology, 349 (2024) 127862.

  • Qi Jin, Li Han, Ning Li, Tiantian Zhang, Erhao Gao*, Meng Yao, Shuiliang Yao*, Zuliang Wu, Jing Li, Jiali Zhu, Wei Wang, Exploring the influence of chemical state of Cu species on CO-SCR performance in spinel-type CuM2O4 (M = Co, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Cr): The synergy between Cu2+ and surface oxygen vacancy, Fuel, 360 (2024) 130553. 

  • Erhao Gao, Wenjing Feng, Qi Jin, Li Han, Yi He*, Exploring the effects of potassium-doping on the reactive oxygen species of CeO2 (110) for formaldehyde catalytic oxidation: A DFT study, Surface Science, 740 (2024) 122415.

  • Jiacheng Xu, Tiantian Zhang, Yan Sun, Shiyu Fang, Zuliang Wu, Jiali Zhu, Lianxin Dai, Weihua Liu, Buhe Zhang, Junwei Zhang, Shuiliang Yao*, Erhao Gao*, Jing Li*. Insight into the roles of superoxide-type (Mn(-O-)2Mn), bridge-type (Mn-O-Mn), and terminal-type (MnO) oxygen species on MnO2 of different crystal structures in CO oxidation using operando TPR-DRIFTS-MS, Applied Catalysis A: General, 670 (2024) 119519.

  • Erhao Gao*, Qi Jin, Tiantian Zhang, et al. Unraveling the promotional effects of K-doping on the mobility of surface oxygen species of CoCr2O4 for improved formaldehyde catalytic oxidation: The weakened metal-oxygen bond strength. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474:145618. 

  • Ning Li, Shuiliang Yao*Erhao Gao*. Rationally tailored redox ability of Sn/γ-Al2O3 with Ag for enhancing the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with propene. RSC Advances, 2023, 13, 1738-1750.

  • Erhao Gao, Keying Guo, Qi Jin, et al. NaCl aqueous solution as a novel electrode in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor for highly efficient ozone generation. Plasma Science & Technology, 2023, 25:075502.

  • Erhao Gao, Ruiyun Meng, Qi Jin, et al. Highly effective mineralization of acetic acid wastewater via catalytic ozonation over the promising MnO2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. Chemical Physics Impact, 2023, 6 100149.

  • Zude Shen, Erhao Gao, Wei Wang*, Shuiliang Yao*, and Qiguang Dai*. Mechanistic Insight into Catalytic Combustion of Ethyl Acetate on Modified CeO2 Nanobelts: Hydrolysis-Oxidation Process and Shielding Effect of Acetates/Alcoholates. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023 57 (9), 3864-3874.

  • Jian Rong, Erhao Gao, Ningchao Liu, et al. Porphyrinic MOF-derived rich N-doped porous carbon with highly active CoN4C single-atom sites for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction and Zn-air batteries performance. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 56: 165-173.

  • Qijie Liu, Erhao Gao, Jing Li, et al. Heterogeneous catalytic ozonation for highly efficient mineralization of phenol with La-modified Ce/γ-Al2O3, Environ. Eng. Res. 2023; 28(6): 220743.

  • Erhao Gao, Wenjing Feng, Bei Huang, et al. The enhanced resistance to Na+-poisoning of MnCoCrOx SCR catalyst by acidity regulation: The mechanism of sulfuric acid pretreatment. Molecular Catalysis. 518 (2022), 11208.

  • 高尔豪*寿恬雨黄蓓. CuCr2O4催化剂形貌特征与其SCR脱硝性能的关系[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2022,56(06). 

  • Hua Pan1#, Erhao Gao1#,Tuotuo Fang, Yu Mei, Yi He*, Yao Shi. In situ treatment by high-temperature water vapor as a novel health-care approach for commercial SCR catalyst. Applied Surface Science, 541(2021), 148408.

  • 高尔豪赵子龙朱绍东. MnCr2O4催化剂的制备方法及其SCR脱硝性能研究[J]. 高校化学工程学报,2021,35(02):355-362.  

  • Erhao Gao, Bei Huang, Zilong Zhao, et al. Understanding the co-effects of manganese and cobalt on the enhanced SCR performance for MnxCo1-xCr2O4 spinel-type catalysts, Catalyst Science & Technology, 10 (2020) 4752-4765.

  • Erhao Gao, Hua Pan*, Li Wang, Yao Shi*, Jun Chen. Identification of Main Active Sites and the Role of NOon NOx Reduction with CH4 over In/BEA Catalyst: A Computational Study, Catalysts, 2020, 10(5), 572.

  • Erhao Gao, Hua Pan, Wei Zhang, et al. Insights on the mechanism of enhanced selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over Zr-doped MnCr2O4: A combination of in situ DRIFTS and DFT, Chemical Engineering Journal, 386 (2020), 123956.

  • Wei Zhang, Erhao Gao, Yu Li, et al. Nitrate Doping for SO2 Resistance Enhancement of Solid Sorbents Made from Polyamine-Based Protic Ionic Liquid-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 24, 8970–8976.

  • Wei Zhang, Erhao Gao, Yu Li, et al. Synergistic Enhancement of CO2 adsorption capacity and kinetics in triethylenetetrammonium nitrate protic ionic liquid functionalized SBA-15, Energy & Fuels, 33 (2019), 8967-8975.

  • Wei Zhang, Erhao Gao, Yu Li, et al. CO2 capture with polyamine-based protic ionic liquid functionalized mesoporous silica, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 34 (2019):606-615.

  • Erhao Gao, Guojin Sun, Wei Zhang, et al. Surface lattice oxygen activation via Zr4+ cations substituting on A2+ sites of MnCr2O4 forming ZrxMn1-xCr2O4 catalysts for enhanced NH3-SCR performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 380 (2019), 122397.


1. 高尔豪. 一种适用于超净排放的脱硫塔[P]. 中国:201620072332.5.

2. 高尔豪中小型燃煤锅炉烟气除尘脱硫脱硝协同治理设备[P]. 中国:201521032654.9.

3. 高尔豪等. 一种浓度稳定的高纯干燥甲醛气体发生装置及方法[P]2021116482004.

4. 高尔豪等. 一种钾离子掺杂的铬酸钴固溶体的制备方法及其应用:CN202310206975.9[P]. 2023-07-18.

5. 高尔豪等. 一种具有核壳结构的铬酸钴、制备方法及其应用:CN202210734964.3[P]. 2022-09-20.


1. 家科技部重点研发计划. 长三角PM2.5  O3协同防控技术集成应用示范,2018.07—2021.10. 参与,结题

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 绿色溶剂/有机胺体系的CO2相变吸收机理研究,2017.01—2020.12参与,结题

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 表面羟基增强型锰钴脱硝催化剂在含甲醛气氛中协同控制副产物HCN的研究,2023.12025.12.  主持,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 等离子体催化氧化VOCs的表面氧化及带电影响机理研究,2021.012024.12. 参与,在研

5. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目2021.07—2024.06.  主持,结题

6. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目2021.10—2023.09.   主持,结题

7. 常州市领军型创新人才项目. 2021.112022.11. 主持,在研

8. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc人才引进项目. 2021.10—2023.10.  主持,结题